:: Jadwal imsakiyah 2011 ::

July 15, 2011
Tak terasa Ramadhan tinggal menghitung hari. Bagaimana persiapan Anda? Siapkan fisik agar sehat, gag lucu donk kalau saat Ramadhan tiba malah sakit. Harus ganti tuh di hari lain, yang mungkin lebih berat dan gag dapet feel Ramadhan nya. Siapkan juga mental dan spiritual kita, membersihkan hati agar bisa kembali fitri dan semangat menjadi calon penghuni surga, Amien. Siap Financial, ya iyalah secara Ramadhan itu special. harga sembako udah naik nih sekarang, walaupun makan cukup 2x tapi biasanya serba istimewa, ya gag sih?. Salah satu hal yang harus disiapkan adalah jadwal imsakiyah, yukk..biar gag telat bangun, dan gag telat buka. monggo..
jadwal imsakiyah 2011 Jakarta
Jadwal imsakiyah 2011 Pekalongan

Jadwal Imsakiyah 2011 Jogjakarta

Mengatasi Tingkat CTR yang Rendah

July 13, 2011
Jika tingkat CTR masih rendah, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan:
1. Apakah Anda memiliki Ads Unit yang tepat?
JIka Ads Unit tidak cocok untuk halaman blog atau web maka lakukanlah percobaan untuk memperoleh ads unit yang sesuai.
2. Apakah Anda memilih warna dan jenis font yang sesuai?
ubahlah warna iklan agar sesuai tema blog anda.
3. Apakah anda menempatkannya di tempa yang benar?
amatilah posisi dan pindahkan jika perlu.

Let's Name

Anda pernah kesulitan menemukan nama yang bagus dan mudah diingat untuk website, blog, band, atau merek dagang? anda bisa memanfaatkan website let's name untuk mencarikan nama yang tepat. anda cukup input tentang gagasan atau tema organisasi atau produk.selanjutnya website akan mengeluarkan beberapa pilihan nama yang menampilkan nama-nama unik dengan domain name yang tersedia. Jadi, anda tidak perlu khawatir domain name untuk nama yang anda pilih sudah dicaplok orang lain.


May 21, 2011

Close encounters with ipods caused interference with cardiac pacemakers in 50 percent of patients, according to electromagnetic test. When the ipods were held 5cm from patients’ chests for 5-10 secods, some pacemakers could misread heart function, and in one case, the life preserving device temporariliy stopped functioning.
The study of 83 people fitted with pacemakers was conducted by a secondary school student, Jay Thacker, with the help of university of Michigan researchers. “Although the typical pacemaker patient may not be an ipod user, they are often in close contact with grandchildren who are users,” says Thacker.


Close encounters with ipods caused interference with cardiac pacemakers in 50 percent of patients, according to electromagnetic test. When the ipods were held 5cm from patients’ chests for 5-10 secods, some pacemakers could misread heart function, and in one case, the life preserving device temporariliy stopped functioning.
The study of 83 people fitted with pacemakers was conducted by a secondary school student, Jay Thacker, with the help of university of Michigan researchers. “Although the typical pacemaker patient may not be an ipod user, they are often in close contact with grandchildren who are users,” says Thacker.


Close encounters with ipods caused interference with cardiac pacemakers in 50 percent of patients, according to electromagnetic test. When the ipods were held 5cm from patients’ chests for 5-10 secods, some pacemakers could misread heart function, and in one case, the life preserving device temporariliy stopped functioning.
The study of 83 people fitted with pacemakers was conducted by a secondary school student, Jay Thacker, with the help of university of Michigan researchers. “Although the typical pacemaker patient may not be an ipod user, they are often in close contact with grandchildren who are users,” says Thacker.


Close encounters with ipods caused interference with cardiac pacemakers in 50 percent of patients, according to electromagnetic test. When the ipods were held 5cm from patients’ chests for 5-10 secods, some pacemakers could misread heart function, and in one case, the life preserving device temporariliy stopped functioning.
The study of 83 people fitted with pacemakers was conducted by a secondary school student, Jay Thacker, with the help of university of Michigan researchers. “Although the typical pacemaker patient may not be an ipod user, they are often in close contact with grandchildren who are users,” says Thacker.

:::..www.dpr.go.id VS www.house.gov..:::

May 18, 2011
House of Representatives of Indonesia (DPR) has an official website located at www.dpr.go.id, view the site's main page is not too special. Some navigation per channel lists: the main page, aspirations, help, TV parliament, the House and LPSE email.

On this site is to bring the canal 'Aspirations', where site visitors can give their views to members of the elected council.
It looks too simple for such a big budget management.

Site member roster good enough show that elected members of Parliament, which can be viewed on the basis of fraction-region selection, or by commission. However, members of Parliament who tercantumkan not accompanied by address or contact number to call.

>> site council members belong to the United States (U.S.), which is located at www.house.gov.

By the look on the main page of this site is present with a simple character, yet solid substance. So it does not make the tired eyes of the beholder. Moreover, the themes that were presented also show the characteristics of U.S. board members.

This site is interactive enough for the casual visitor and even for the media. Been separated because information for the casual visitor with a crew of media.

In addition to displaying a list of short news, this site also presents the names of board members are elected as members of the senate. Well, the difference with a list of board members at the Indonesian House of Representatives site, the site displays the number of contacts the U.S. council member elected board.

Not only that, every council member's name will be linked with sub domains house.gov to each respective board member. So that visitors can relate to personally though only through cyberspace.

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